Fae Farm


Patch Notes
The full list of patch notes for Patch 3.1.1

New update incoming!

Attention all Fae Friends, new update incoming! We apologize for the degraded performance following the release of Patch 3.1.0 - we're sending out a hotfix update to for all supported platforms on July 26 at 10AM PT /  5PM UTC. Please read more for full details on what you can expect from our newest patch.

Fae Farm Patch Notes 3.1.1


  • Fixed a significant performance degradation caused by an unintended knock-on of a bug fix in Patch 3.1.0.

Thank You

We want to give a great big thank you all to the amazing people who submitted bug reports and are able to help us pinpoint these issues. If you spot any issues, please update us through our main support page.

You can also join us on Twitter, Discord, Instagram and TikTok to share your experience with us in Azoria. 

We’ll see you in-game!


The Fae Farm Team

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