Fae Farm


The first major content update of Fae Farm is now available!

The first major content update of Fae Farm, Coasts of Croakia, is releasing today! We're so excited to finally open the doors of this whole new realm and let you meet its adorable denizens. If you've not joined us in Fae Farm yet, this content update is free for all the owners of Fae Farm on Nintendo Switch and is included in the Deluxe Edition of Fae Farm on PC.

Archi-pal-igo Park, the setting for Coasts of Croakia, is a magical place set on tropical rocky islands populated by wondrous adorable critters. With a new upgradable tool, the Conch, you can learn a variety of critter languages. Communicating with critters lets you befriend them and get them to tag along on your journey. Beyond the cuteness overload, pet critters grant you a dozen different types of buffs to equip.

Fae Farm: Coasts of Croakia is neatly intertwined with the main storyline, so players can start a new adventure and discover how this content and its new gameplay features weave into the main narrative. Alternatively, players who have completed the main story can easily jump right into the Coasts of Croakia content update and experience it as a standalone adventure.

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